Bulk Sampling

Bulk Sampling

What is Bulk Sampling?

You can’t identify items that may contain asbestos simply by looking at them. The only way to confirm the presence of asbestos is to take more than one sample of the material and have it tested by an accredited asbestos laboratory.

If you suspect asbestos, the safest approach is to avoid complications and hire a qualified technician. Our professional staff can be dispatched to your building and are Certified AHERA Building Inspectors and can also conduct a comprehensive Hazardous Materials Assessment if required.

Epoch Environmental Consulting provides pick up services and emergency 24 hour service analysis. Our affiliate company, Epoch Analytical Inc is a fully accredited asbestos testing lab that provides analysis for asbestos as well as testing for lead and mould. Consult a Hazardous Materials Professional now at Epoch Environmental Consulting for more information.

Consult a Hazardous Materials Professional now at Epoch Environmental Consulting for more information.

Epoch Environmental Consulting adheres to
WorksafeBCs Bulk Materials Sampling Collection Guide

(p.27-28, 2017)

Source: WorksSafeBC 2017 Safe Work Practises for Handling Asbestos

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for more information.

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